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6 Scaffolds to Support ELs in a Virtual Classroom
- Jan 11, 2021
Students are currently sitting in virtual classrooms during the pandemic, struggling to understand content-area information. It is critical for ELs to obtain comprehensible input from their teachers, and this has become increasingly difficult in a virtual setting.
A Framework For Developing Online Tests
- Jan 4, 2021
The advent of online and blended programs has brought about changes for teachers and learners, and it has required adjustments in curricula. One such adjustment involves the design and development of testing frameworks that can fulfill new program needs.
A Cup of Coffee with TESOL Experts: Pronunciation & World Englishes
- Dec 18, 2020
This week’s question: Is teaching pronunciation important in the age of world Englishes?
A Cup of Coffee with TESOL Experts: Teaching Pronunciation Without IPA
- Dec 18, 2020
This week’s question: How to teach sound discrimination and sound production with visual aids without teaching IPA to beginner students?
How to Make Coteaching Work Virtually: Know Your People
- Oct 1, 2020
Coteaching is a powerful intervention for students, especially English language learners, so we knew we needed to figure out a way to continue our collaborative teaching even though we were scattered around the world.
The Rise of Adjunctification: From Surviving to Thriving
- Sep 22, 2020
Adjunctification is on the rise in institutions of higher education across the United States. This is not a new phenomenon; colleges and universities have been steadily relying more and more on the underpaid labor of part-time, nonbenefited faculty.
The Disparate Impact of COVID‐19 Remote Learning on English Learners in the United States
- Aug 30, 2020
The March 2020 closure of most schools in the United States due to the COVID‐19 pandemic marked a sudden and dramatic shift in how teaching and learning happened. All the 55 million K‐12 students were deeply affected by the move from face‐to‐face to remote learning.
Online Teacher Education Resources in ELT: Blogs, Vlogs, and Podcasts
- Jul 21, 2020
In this blog post on virtual teacher education, we discuss how to help teacher candidates vicariously experience classroom life when limited to online sources.
Communities of Practice in Online Learning
- Jun 1, 2020
In the face of a rapidly growing K–12 English language learner (ELL) population worldwide, many schools and school districts have struggled to provide training that supports teachers who work with ELL students.
ESL Teacher Leadership: Delivering Professional Development
- Jun 1, 2020
Think about the English learners (ELs) in your school or district. What percentage of each day do they spend with a trained English as a second language (ESL) teacher—one who has studied second language acquisition and language teaching—especially in a distance learning format?
Google PD Courses and Certifications for EL Teachers
- May 26, 2020
Google for Education provides multiple online courses and exams for educators looking to use Google with their students.
Networking for English Language Teachers and Researchers
- May 7, 2020
Networking offers ELT professionals myriad benefits above working in isolation. As professional development, we can learn new ideas for teaching and research through networking as we interact with people interested in similar topics and contexts, as well as those working in broadly different areas. We can gain awareness of controversies and new developments in our field.
Using The 6 Principles to Support Language Learning in Times of Crisis
- May 1, 2020
The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners® has been a TESOL International Association initiative for several years now. At this time, we’d like to explore how these principles can more actively inform our teaching practice in this unprecedented period of upheaval and adaptation.
Spotlight on Online Classroom Management
- May 1, 2020
Here are some ideas for embracing the features found in most classroom platforms to enhance your classroom management for language learning online.
Use This Strategy to Hit Your Interview Answers Out of the Park
- Apr 24, 2020
Studying is helpful when it comes to preparing for more than just exams. It’s a necessity if you want to do well in job interviews.
The Adoption of Facebook as a Virtual Class Whiteboard: Promoting EFL Students’ Engagement in Language Tasks
- Mar 19, 2020
Facebook, as one of the most popular social media sites, has been the subject of many studies especially in the field of English language teaching (ELT) in recent years.
Teaching ESP When You Aren't a Specific Purposes Expert
- Mar 1, 2020
Diverse, specialized, English for specific purposes (ESP) courses have become commonplace recently. Short-term, precourse ESP programs geared toward graduate students are now the norm at intensive English programs (IEPs), and IEP instructors who usually teach general ESL courses are thrown into ESP because of the increasing demand.
Trends in ELT PD: Micro-Credentials
- Feb 25, 2020
Micro-credentials are a growing trend in professional development (PD), and they can be found across various teaching and learning contexts. These credentials are personalized, accessible, shareable, and “stackable” (allowing you to progress on a career path), and they are often rooted in various teaching- and learning-based competencies.
Freelance Language Teachers: Negotiating Authenticity and Legitimacy at the Periphery
- Oct 22, 2019
This multiple case study explores the means through which freelance teachers establish their legitimacy in their classrooms outside of formal institutions.
EFL Teachers’ Reflective Practice, Job Satisfaction, and school Context Cariables: Exploring Possible Relationships
- Jun 20, 2019
Concentrating on job satisfaction and five school context variables—teacher autonomy, collegial support, time pressure, student demotivation, and student discipline problems—this study explored the interplay of these variables with reflective teaching and their relative contributions to prediction of teacher reflection.